Article by Damage_Inc (243):

En Taro Adun!

 Уфф...  Вот это номер... >:/

 Из прочитанного в прошлой газете можно сделать вывод о том, что
в наш "высокоинтелектуальный огород" забрался какой-то
"грязный поросенок-гомофоб" сам лет 10-18 от роду и
"дабы загнать мировую культуру в гроб "
(а также от "вьюношеской своей гиперактивности")
 решил показать всем нам что est на самом деле Кузькина Мать...

Ню-Ню... :), как говорится...
 анализировать твои руморы РЕАЛЬНо смешно :))

Quidquid latet apparebit, Nil inultum remanebit
Так что вот...

Damage The Executor

P.S.   Cult of Sun, слушай сюда.
Какого   ......   4(!!!А-А-А!!!) раза постить такой охрененный
кусок бесполезного текста ???
ну елы палы, "скока можна"??!!

Article by New MotGam-Flame Adventurers [RUIW] (247):

  По причине неожиданно грянувшей сессии :))) выпуски ARP будут выходить
в урезанном виде и нерегулярно. К сожалению, не имею возможности дописать
статью про Перепись (как и все остальные, собственно). Но думаю (хотя,
я  и в понедельник так думал =), что к следующему ходу уж осилю. Всего

З.Ы. Ну, а Голос не даст вам скучать. Да, товарищ Голос?



По обвинению в малодушии, хамстве и желании
научить всех тому, чего сам не умеет

        Р А З Ы С К И В А Е Т С Я

владелец Голоса.

Дополнительные обвинения могут быть предъявлены
или не предъявлены после обнаружения.



   "Нетерпимость и зазнайство всегда были присущи глупцам и никогда, думается,
до конца искоренены не будут, ибо они столь же вечны, сколь и сама глупость.
Там, где ныне возвышаются горы, когда-нибудь разольются моря, там, где ныне
пенятся волны морские, когда-нибудь раскинутся пустыни. А глупость останется
					(С) не времечко, а один писатель.



Эволюция движка.

Changes from 4.0.7 -> 4.0.8
   -- Added the BUILD HELP <unit> syntax to allow two units to collaborate
      on creating an object even during the first turn it is being built.
   -- Added BUY ALL and SELL ALL commands.  SELL ALL will attempt to sell
      all of an item that you can.  BUY ALL will attempt to buy as many of
      an item as you can.
   -- Modified the 'Item:' players.in command to give the unit information
      about the new item they own if they haven't already seen it.
   -- Fixed a bug in setting a unit as MAGE when given skills via the GM
   -- Fixed a bug where the game editor could give out disabled items.
   -- Fixed a bug in the game editor to mark a unit as having owned an item.
   -- Fixed a bug in the save code which caused items to be shown every turn
      instead of just the first turn
   -- Fixed where FORCE_SHIELD versus ranged attacks got broken in the
      rewrite of the combat system.
   -- Fixed bug.  A unit with wolves/eagles/dragons which LOST the
      ability to control them (either via having the mage assassinated or
      via the mage FORGETing the skill) now loses the creatures.
   -- Added ability to control a factions starting location and whether or
      no the 'traditional' starting unit is created to the players.in file.
   -- Added more objects and stuff for Ceran
   -- Fixed bug which allowed two guard units to spring up in a city.
   -- Fixed problems with fileio.cpp on win32
   -- RE-FIXED bug with city guards
   -- Fixed a bug where a disabled item/skill/object was still be accepted
      by the checker.
   -- Applied modified version of maximum mages per building patch submitted
      by Paul Mehrer <paul.mehrer@web.de>
   -- Fixed a bug in the EASIER_UNDERWORLD code pointed out by
      Stephen Baillie (baillie@cs.mu.oz.au) which caused it to only work on
      level 0-2 inclusive.
   -- Fixed a bug in IMPROVED_FARSIGHT code which was pointed out by Stephen
      Baillie (baillie@cs.mu.oz.au) which caused it give odd results if
      multiple mages from the same faction with different skills cast farsight
      on the same hex during a turn.
   -- Fixed bug in BUILD HELP which caused an infinite loop when the helper
      was already in the building to be helped with.
   -- Fixed bug in NOSPOILS code which caused an infinite loop if no army
      unit would accept spoils.
   -- Fixed another bug in the NOSPOILS code.  NOSPOILS was supposed to still
      allow 0 weight and weight < walking capacity items to be aquired.  It
   -- Fixed a bug where WITHDRAW was not being noted as an invalid order if
      the ALLOW_WITHDRAW gamedef was not set.
   -- Fixed a bug with GM_REPORT which caused it not to work except on turn 1.
   -- Added transit patch submitted by Stephen Baillie <baillie@cs.mu.OZ.AU>.
      This patch enables the GM to show hex information to units which pass
      through a hex but do not end the turn there.  The bits of information
      which are shown are completely selectable from an enumeration in
      gamedefs.h and default to the current behaviour (no reports).
      WARNING: In an attempt to prevent clients from breaking, if you show
      reports but do not show a specific piece of information (ie, wages or
      entertainment or resources) the hex report will appear as if the hex
      has NONE of that type of information (ie, wages 0, or Products: none).
      So, be careful when turning this on as it COULD give your players a
      false sense of having accurate data when they do not!
   -- Added the 'harp' item created by Ceran II
   -- Did a lot of work to handle spell damages and effects in a
      customizable manner.
   -- Moved the makefiles out of the subdirectories and coallesced them into
      one makefile at the top level which can be used to build the various
      games.  By default the 'standard' game is built.
   -- Removed some of the 'XXX' (fixme) comments from the code.   Still more
      to do.
   -- Reworked the NOSPOILS code based on the patch submitted by Tom Alsen
      <tzarg@yahoo.com>.   The new syntax is SPOILS [NONE|ALL|WALK|FLY|RIDE].
      Spoils NONE forces a unit to pick up only items with weight 0.  Spoils
      ALL is the default and allows a unit to carry any spoils.   The other
      modes will only allow a unit to pick up a given spoil if that item has
      a capacity in that mode at least equal to it's weight.

Changes from 4.0.8 -> 4.0.9
   -- Added a gamedef to allow markets to always show advanced items, not
      solely when a unit which has them shows up in the city.
   -- Added the 'prepare' command from Lacandon with a gamedef to enable
      it's use.
   -- Added two gamedef variables to control when a monster can advance
      rather than just move.
   -- Added a gamedef to define (for the automatic rules generation) if
      a game has the 'special email commands' (#create, #times, #rumor).
   -- Moved the generation of unlimited items in start cities under
      'START_CITIES_START_UNLIMITED' gamedef.  This allows correct rules
      generation and more GM options.
   -- Added automatic generation of rules files from the gamedefs and
      internal tables.
   -- Split armor-piercing attacks into armor-piercing, energy, spirit and
      weather. Armor can now protect differently against these. I'm not sure
      the original new combat system is mentioned in this change log, but the
      split is an addition to that. Patch submitted by Tom Alsen
   -- Added WEAPON [itemlist] and ARMOR [itemlist] commands, which allow
      a unit to set a preferred weapon and armor list. This is enabled
      by the USE_WEAPON_ARMOR_COMMAND gamedef. Patch submitted by Tom
      Alsen <tzarg@yahoo.com>
   -- Added PROPORTIONAL_AMTS_USAGE flag. When set, if an assassin targets
      a unit with more men than amulets of true seeing, there is a chance
      that he picks a man with an AMTS, and the attempt is foiled.  When
      this gamedef is unset, the attempt will always succeed.  Patch
      submitted by Tom Alsen <tzarg@yahoo.com>.
   -- New rule: Assassins with RINGs of invisibility cannot get amulets of
      true seeing in spoils (otherwise the assassination would have been
      prevented) [This is needed for the PROPORTIONAL_AMTS_USAGE to work,
      but also applies when that gamedef is clear.] Patch submitted by
      Tom Alsen <tzarg@yahoo.com>.
   -- Fixed a hang when attempting to write report files which already exist.
      It now just silently doesn't write them.
   -- Added 'EXCHANGE' order which allows two units to trade items
      regardless of faction stances.  This is safe (unlike GIVE) since both
      units must enter complimentary items.  For example, if unit 12221 and
      15333 wanted to trade 10 LBOW for 1000 SILV, unit 15333 would enter
      'EXCHANGE 12221 1000 SILV 10 LBOW' and unit 12221 would enter
      'EXCHANGE 15333 10 LBOW 1000 SILV'.  Since the quantity and the items
      must match or the trade doesn't occur, this is safe even for neutral
      or unfriendly stanced factions.  This patch was submitted by Nick
      Hoggard <nickhoggard@clear.net.nz>.
   -- Added a patch by Nick Hoggard <nickhoggarg@clear.net.nz> implementing
      the 'TURN' order.  This order allows pre-specification of orders for
      turns in the future as well as constructing loops of orders based on
      turns.  See the rules for details.
   -- Added the implementation of 'GIVE ALL <item class>'.  The original
      implementation was done by Tom Alsen <tzarg@yahoo.com> for Blitzgame
      and was merged over.
   -- Fixed BUILD HELP so that the unit you are helping must consider you
      at least friendly before it will allow you to help build the structure.
      The reason for this is to prevent unauthorized entry into a building.
   -- Added message distinguishing move failure due to overburdened from
      move failure due to no more movement points.
   -- Redid ParseItem a bit (made it three different functions) to allow
      specific features to GM and push some of the error checking down
      into the function.  This hopefully fixes a bug in Ceran II where
      someone was trying to buy goblins (which are a race there as well as
      a monster) and failing because it was finding the monster before the
      race in the item list.  ParseGiveableItem is now used by BUY, SELL,
      GIVE, and EXCHANGE.  ParseEnabledItem is used by the rest of the orders
      processing routines, and ParseAllItems is used by the GM 'player.in'
      file routines which give items to players. ParseEnabled and ParseAll
      can still get confused by items with the same name, though in most
      of the cases where that currently could be a problem it won't be (as
      both of the conflicting items would be invalid in that spot anyway).
   -- When a unit is formed, it is now tagged with the forming faction and
      that is a valid alias for the rest of the turn.   This is to prevent
      the ambiguity which could crop up when dealing with units which were
      formed and given during the same turn.
   -- Fixed the swim code to give a Swims message and work with flight
      over water.  Changed item giving of dying units to not cause other
      units to drown.
   -- Fixed niggle in the swim/move code so that when a unit attempts to
      move over water when not in a structure, the ability to move is
      calculated based on swim capacity, not walking capacity.   This is
      a change asked for by Pete Christie.   It also makes sense, and is
      one step closer to having swimming be an actual movement mode in
      its own right.
   -- Fixed a bug where spoils calculation could wrap causing spoils
      earned to be a negative value of an object.
   -- Fixed a bug where a disabled skill would be shown in the information
      about a race which had that skill as a specialty.
   -- Did a bit of grubbing around in the old atlantisproject dejanews
      archives and added a few ideas from there to the TODO list.
   -- Started looking at some of the older atlantisdev postings [pre my
      joining the list] and found a couple of good ideas there too.  The
      big problem is how long it would take me to completely go through
      that archive.  Anyone want to take that on and summarize for me
      ideas/extensions that have been proposed so they can be added to the
      todo list to at least consider? [This would probably also help to
      attach atlantisdev post articles to various todo list items, which
      has been requested].
   -- Fixed a bug where ADVANCE orders were combined together during the
      orders checker, but not during the actual game run.
   -- Added GIVE XXX ALL ITEMS which gives them everything, *including men*
      in one fell swoop!
   -- Fixed a bug where roads weren't used to calculate move to allow armies
      to help adjacent hexes.

Всё, с%?^ны дети, всё!



  Здравствуйте дорогие правители.
  Спешу ответить на ваши оценки газеты №64
> Глав Вред.
>  и это не битва??? Самокритично сделаешь харакири?
  Вряд ли.
>  неигровые личности - вы портите игру не только себе, но и окружающим.
  Постараюсь не переходить, а например переезжать катком. :)
> Damage_Inc (243)
> "грязный поросенок-гомофоб" сам лет 10-18 от роду и
> "дабы загнать мировую культуру в гроб "
  Я  иногда  моюсь.  Надеюсь  что мировая общественность не даст себя загнать куда
  либо и даст отпор негативному влиянию на страницах газеты в литературной форме.
> Какого ... 4(!!!А-А-А!!!) раза постить такой охрененный кусок бесполезного текста ???
  Может ему его культовые замашки поотбивать по самую ......?
> анализировать твои руморы РЕАЛЬНо смешно :))
  Я  конечно  не  стремился  отбирать хлеб у юмористов, но раз так получилось то и
  ладно. А как вы АНАЛИЗИРУЕТЕ мои "руморы" ???
> Quidquid latet apparebit, Nil inultum remanebit
  Et ab haedis me sequestra,
  Statuens in parte dextra.
  (Там же, чуть ниже.)
> New MotGam-Flame Adventurers [RUIW] (247)
> З.Ы. Ну, а Голос не даст вам скучать. Да, товарищ Голос?
  У меня та же проблема. Но выбора нет либо не дам скучать либо Армия жди меня :-(
  Я буду стараться в меру своих сил и испорченности.
> Р А З Ы С К И В А Е Т С Я владелец Голоса.
  Ищи дорогой. Дай бог тебе коротких поисков и сладкой смерти.
  А что ты будешь делать когда найдешь, подумай сейчас а то потом будет поздно.
  Мог бы и подписаться как ни будь, а то нашкодишь и в бежать.

Итого:  Судя  по  оживлению в газете тихий омут разворочен. Надеюсь, что импульс
энергии  не даст уснуть Вам вновь и мне будет с кем поспорить на страницах этого

Дорогому ГМ.
С  удовольствием  почитал  бы  новые  (измененные) правила со всеми дополнениями
случившимися за последний ход (желательно на русском).

Vocis (AKA Голос)
... Quidquid bene dictum est ab ullo, meum est