

Неаксион ушел, но враги его остались...

Best Regards! (11952) attacks Elareania (1132) in desert (22,38) in

Cavalry (11955), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 lances [LANC], 100 mithril
  armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], riding 5.
Destroyers (12724), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 double bows
  [DBOW], crossbow 5.
Best Regards! (11952), behind, leader [LEAD], ring of invisibility
  [RING], javelin [JAVE], cloth armor [CLAR], winged horse [WING],
  tactics 5, combat 3, riding 4; Privet ot Soltari.
Cavalry (10750), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 lances [LANC], 100 mithril
  armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], riding 5.
Destroyers (13344), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 double bows
  [DBOW], crossbow 5.
Cavalry (8612), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 lances [LANC], 100 mithril
  armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], riding 5.
Soltari Informer (927), behind, high elf [HELF]; Embrace the Shadow,

Elareania (1132), behind, leader [LEAD], 3 dragons [DRAG] (Combat 6/6,
  Attacks 50, Hits 50, Tactics 4), improved mithril armor [IMTH],
  cloak of invulnerability [CLOA], staff of lightning [STAL], amulet
  of protection [AMPR], shieldstone [SHST].

Best Regards! (11952) gets a free round of attacks.
Elareania (1132) loses 4.

Elareania (1132) is destroyed!
Total Casualties:
Elareania (1132) loses 4.
Damaged units: 1132.
Best Regards! (11952) loses 0.

Spoils: 35230 silver [SILV], boots of levitation [BOOT], 23 herbs
  [HERB], cloak of invulnerability [CLOA], staff of lightning [STAL],
  amulet of protection [AMPR], shieldstone [SHST].

Ну зачем так глумиться над трупом бедной фракции?



Ходят слухи, что враги Неаксиона заколдовали его бывшую фракцию, от чего ее
люди потеряли рассудок и начали кидаться на всех подряд.



>Война продолжается!!!
>Объединенные силы [NU] и <SSL> терпят поражение!
Ну, если быть точным, то ни [NU], ни <SSL> в этой
войне не участвуют.
Хотя она действительно продолжается.



Интерестно, что бы это значило?
А ведь в стенке царит безмолвие...

ISA (13789) attacks Destroyers (13447) in plain (23,35) in Versrienne!

ISA (13789), behind, winged horse [WING], high elf [HELF].
Jakohainsen (8879), behind, leader [LEAD], winged horse [WING], cloth
  armor [CLAR], double bow [DBOW], tactics 5, crossbow 5, riding 1;
  You know, today I`m sad to the death..  As always, though .
1st_Necron_Crisis_Team (9146), 55 leaders [LEAD], 58 winged horses
  [WING], 55 mithril swords [MSWO], 55 mithril armor [MARM], combat 5,
  riding 5.
4th_Necron_Crisis_Team (7451), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 winged horses
  [WING], 100 mithril armor [MARM], 99 mithril swords [MSWO],
  runesword [RUNE], combat 5, riding 5.
3rd_Necron_Crisis_Team (11874), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 mithril swords
  [MSWO], 100 mithril armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], combat
  5, riding 5.
Nordingalen (12607), behind, leader [LEAD], cloth armor [CLAR], double
  bow [DBOW], winged horse [WING], tactics 5, crossbow 5; I am The
  North, The Gale I am...
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 double bows
  [DBOW], 15 cloth armor [CLAR], 104 winged horses [WING], longbow 5.
1st_Necron_Skimmers (10068), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 lances [LANC],
  100 winged horses [WING], 100 mithril armor [MARM], riding 5.
3rd_Necron_Swarm (12985), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 double bows
  [DBOW], 100 winged horses [WING], longbow 5.
2nd_Necron_Crisis_Team (11627), 101 leaders [LEAD], 101 mithril swords
  [MSWO], 101 mithril armor [MARM], 101 winged horses [WING], combat
  5, riding 5; Kautta eramaajarven.

Fabler's observer (8103), behind, plainsman [PLAI].
Cossacks (7010), 200 leaders [LEAD], 200 mithril swords [MSWO], 200
  mithril armor [MARM], 200 horses [HORS], combat 5, riding 3.
Royal archers (12146), behind, 200 nomads [NOMA], 2 double bows
  [DBOW], 202 magic crossbows [MXBO], horse [HORS], crossbow 3.
Destroyers (13447), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 200 double bows
  [DBOW], crossbow 5.
Destroyers (8669), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 winged horses [WING],
  10 double bows [DBOW], 6 cloth armor [CLAR], 4 leather armor [LARM],
  crossbow 5.
Voyager (13784), behind, leader [LEAD], ring of invisibility [RING],
  runesword [RUNE], winged horse [WING], tactics 5, combat 5, riding
Royal archers (7202), behind, 200 nomads [NOMA], 202 magic crossbows
  [MXBO], 2 mithril battle axes [MBAX], 12 lances [LANC], 4 swords
  [SWOR], 2 hammers [HAMM], spear [SPEA], 3 double bows [DBOW], 2
  cloth armor [CLAR], 2 leather armor [LARM], crossbow 3.
Cavalry (12587), 100 winged horses [WING], 100 mithril armor [MARM],
  100 lances [LANC], 100 leaders [LEAD], riding 5.

Round 1:
4th_Necron_Crisis_Team (7451) strikes fear into the enemy, causing 32
  men to cower in terror.
Voyager (13784) strikes fear into the enemy, causing 9 men to cower in
ISA (13789) loses 154.
Destroyers (13447) loses 174.

Round 2:
Voyager (13784) strikes fear into the enemy, causing 28 men to cower
  in terror.
ISA (13789) loses 144.
Destroyers (13447) loses 217.

Round 3:
ISA (13789) loses 59.
Destroyers (13447) loses 421.

Destroyers (13447) is destroyed!
Total Casualties:
Destroyers (13447) loses 812.
Damaged units: 7202, 13447, 12146, 8669, 8103, 13784, 12587, 7010.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 12.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 9.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 13.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 0.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 11.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 8.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 11.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 13.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 10.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 8.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 11.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 11.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 9.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 11.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 10.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 14.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 9.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 14.
1st_Necron_Swarm (11316) heals 4.
ISA (13789) loses 169.
Damaged units: 11874, 10068, 7451, 11627, 9146.

Spoils: 57013 silver [SILV], 100 mithril swords [MSWO], 150 mithril
  armor [MARM], 101 horses [HORS], 32 magic wagons [MWAG], 202 magic
  crossbows [MXBO], 107 double bows [DBOW], 354 herbs [HERB], 56
  winged horses [WING], 4 cloth armor [CLAR], 3 leather armor [LARM],
  2 magic carpets [CARP], mithril battle axe [MBAX], 56 lances [LANC],
  2 swords [SWOR], mink [MINK], pearls [PEAR], hammer [HAMM], spear
  [SPEA], perfume [PERF], wine [WINE], truffles [TRUF].

Best Regards! (11952) attacks Elareania (1132) in desert (22,38) in

Cavalry (11955), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 lances [LANC], 100 mithril
  armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], riding 5.
Destroyers (12724), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 double bows
  [DBOW], crossbow 5.
Best Regards! (11952), behind, leader [LEAD], ring of invisibility
  [RING], javelin [JAVE], cloth armor [CLAR], winged horse [WING],
  tactics 5, combat 3, riding 4; Privet ot Soltari.
Cavalry (10750), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 lances [LANC], 100 mithril
  armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], riding 5.
Destroyers (13344), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 double bows
  [DBOW], crossbow 5.
Cavalry (8612), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 lances [LANC], 100 mithril
  armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], riding 5.
Soltari Informer (927), behind, high elf [HELF]; Embrace the Shadow,

Elareania (1132), behind, leader [LEAD], 3 dragons [DRAG] (Combat 6/6,
  Attacks 50, Hits 50, Tactics 4), improved mithril armor [IMTH],
  cloak of invulnerability [CLOA], staff of lightning [STAL], amulet
  of protection [AMPR], shieldstone [SHST].

Best Regards! (11952) gets a free round of attacks.
Elareania (1132) loses 4.

Elareania (1132) is destroyed!
Total Casualties:
Elareania (1132) loses 4.
Damaged units: 1132.
Best Regards! (11952) loses 0.

Spoils: 35230 silver [SILV], boots of levitation [BOOT], 23 herbs
  [HERB], cloak of invulnerability [CLOA], staff of lightning [STAL],
  amulet of protection [AMPR], shieldstone [SHST].
