Article by Master's of Magic (14):

Vot kakim dolzen bit format otcetov ctobi v CB vse rabotalo horoso:

* Raiders (785), on guard, holding, taxing, consuming faction's food,
  Clan Of Fire (15), 4 silver [SILV], 5 vikings [VIKI], horse [HORS].
  Skills: combat [COMB] 3 (180).

                       game 2:     Clan Of Fire:  Derok,The Master of Fire.

Article by Master's of Magic (14):

          Gliuki CB  -  Recept 2 (C) by Derok,The Master of Fire.

Posle togo kak vi vo vsem svojem otcete ruckami perestavili vse po svoim mestam
sleduja moemu pervomu receptu to vas ese zdet odin siurpriz :)
Za mwesto nazvanija vasej frakcii v spiske frakcij i ese koe-gde prolazit:
"(nomer vasej frakcii) consume faction's food <ciast nazvanija vasej frakcii>"
Delo v tom cto CrystalBall (CB) ne ponimaet flaga CONSUME FACTION. :)
Lecitsia eto delo ocen prosto:


* Raiders (001), on guard, holding, taxing, consuming faction's food,
* Observer (002), avoiding, behind, holding, taxing, consuming faction's food,
* Combar Master (003), avoiding, behind, holding, taxing,


Prosto pered zagruzkoj v CB ruckami pribivaem v otcete
"consuming faction's food" u SAMOGO POSLEDNEGO (V OTCETE,sm (003))
VASEGO UNITA (pered "Order Template:").
Order Template ne trogaem :)
Vsio :) Telemarket :)
                         game 2:     Clan Of Fire:  Derok,The Master of Fire.