Article by Taxoid weak (71):

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static ShowType sd[] = {
/* skill, level, desc */

  { S_MINING, 1,
    "A unit with this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce iron in "
    "designated regions. Iron is found primarily in mountain regions, but may "
    "also be found in other regions. The Weaponsmith skill is "
    "used to forge iron into weapons." },
  { S_MINING, 3,
    "A unit with this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce mithril in"
    "designated regions (Note that Mining skill of 3 is required "
    "to even determine that mithril may be produced). Mithril is "
    "the strongest metal known, and high level "
    "Weaponsmithes and Armorers may use mithril to forge weapons "
    "and armor. One unit of mithril weighs 10 weight units." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce wood in "
    "designated regions. Forest regions are generally the best "
    "producers of wood, though other regions may also produce wood. "
    "Wood may be used to construct boats, using the Shipbuilding "
    "skill, or bows, using the Weaponsmith skill." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce ironwood in "
    "designated regions (Note that Lumberjack skill of 3 is "
    "required to even determine that ironwood may be produced). "
    "Ironwood is the strongest wood known to Atlantis, and may "
    "be used by high level Shipbuilders to build armored ships. "
    "One unit of ironwood weighs 10 weight units." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce yew in "
    "designated regions (Note that Lumberjack skill of 5 is required "
    "to even determine that yew may be produced). Yew is the "
    "lightest, most pliable wood known; high level Weaponsmithes "
    "may use yew to produce powerful bows. One unit of yew weighs "
    "5 weight units." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce stone in "
    "designated regions. Mountains are the main producers of stone, "
    "though other regions may also produce stone. Stone may be used "
    "to construct buildings, using the Building skill." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce rootstone, "
    "a rare stone found deep within Atlantis. Skill level 3 is "
    "required to determine which regions rootstone may be produced "
    "in. High level builders may use rootstone to build magical "
    "fortresses. A unit of rootstone weighs 50 weight units." },
  { S_HUNTING, 1,
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce furs in "
    "designated regions. Furs may be produced in many types of "
    "regions, generally in small quantities." },
  { S_HUNTING, 3,
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to hunt floaters, a "
    "rare and skittish denizen of the swamps of Atlantis. "
    "Use the order PRODUCE Floater_Hide to produce floater "
    "hide (note that Hunting 3 is required to determine if "
    "floater hide can be produced in a swamp). Floaters "
    "actually weigh less than air, since much of their body is made "
    "up of gaseous sacs. Floater "
    "hide is prized by high level Shipbuilders of Atlantis, who can "
    "use the thin hide to build hot air balloons." },
  { S_FISHING, 1,
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the  PRODUCE order to produce fish in "
    "designated regions. Fish are only available in ocean regions." },
  { S_HERBLORE, 1,
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce herbs in "
    "designated regions. Herbs are found in many types of regions, "
    "but most frequently in jungles. Herbs may be used by units with "
    "the Healing skill, to heal units killed in battle." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce horses in "
    "designated regions. Horses are found in plains regions." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce winged horses. "
    "Horse Training level 5 is required to even determine whether "
    "winged horses exist in a region. Winged horses weigh 50 weight "
    "units, and can carry 20 weight units in flight." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce weapons from "
    "certain items. Swords may be produced from iron, and crossbows "
    "and longbows may be produced from wood." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce mithril swords "
    "from mithril. Mithril swords give units a +4 bonus in combat, "
    "rather than the usual +2." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the PRODUCE order to produce double bows, the "
    "ultimate (natural) dealer of death on a battlefield. Double bows "
    "may be used by units skilled in either Crossbow or Longbow. A "
    "double bow fires as if the target has a defensive skill of 0, "
    "and fires a number of shots, per round, equal to the skill "
    "level of the wielder. It takes one unit of yew to produce a "
    "double bow, which weighs one unit." },
  { S_ARMORER, 1,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill may PRODUCE chain armor from iron. Chain armor provides a "
    "1/3 chance of surviving a successful attack in battle." },
  { S_ARMORER, 3,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill may PRODUCE plate armor from 3 units of iron. Plate armor "
    "provides a 2/3 chance of surviving a successful attack in "
    "battle." },
  { S_ARMORER, 5,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill may PRODUCE mithril armor from one unit of mithril. "
    "Mithril armor provides a 9/10 chance of surviving a successful "
    "attack in battle, and a 2/3 chance of surviving a crossbow "
    "attack. Mithril armor weighs but one unit." },
    "A unit with this "
    "skill may PRODUCE wagons from wood. A wagon, used with a horse, "
    "can carry up to 200 units of weight." },
  { S_BUILDING, 1,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill may use the BUILD order to construct buildings from "
    "stone." },
  { S_BUILDING, 3,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill may use the BUILD order to construct magical fortresses "
    "from rootstone. A magical fortress is the same size as a castle, "
    "requires the same amount of material (160 units of rootstone), "
    "and has the same defense value (it protects 250 men). However, "
    "magical fortresses may be used as the target of powerful "
    "magical spells, and are not harmed by magical Earthquakes." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the BUILD order to construct ships from "
    "wood." },
    "Shipbuilding 3: A unit with "
    "this skill may use the BUILD order to construct armored "
    "galleons from 150 units of ironwood. An armored galleon has the "
    "same properties as a normal galleon, but also provides "
    "protection (in the same manner as a building) to the first 200 "
    "men within." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the BUILD order to construct balloons, using "
    "50 units of floater hide. A balloon functions in the same manner "
    "as a ship, using the SAIL "
    "order to move. However, as opposed to normal ships, a balloon "
    "can sail over land. A balloon requires 10 sailors to sail, "
    "and has a capacity of 800 weight units." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use the ENTERTAIN order to generate funds. The "
    "amount of silver gained will be 20 per man, times the level of "
    "the entertainers. This amount is limited by the region that "
    "the unit is in." },
  { S_TACTICS, 1,
    "Tactics allows the "
    "unit, and all allies, to gain a free round of attacks during "
    "battle. The army with the highest level tactician in a battle "
    "will receive this free round; if the highest levels are equal, "
    "no free round is awarded." },
  { S_COMBAT, 1,
    "This skill gives "
    "the unit a bonus in hand to hand combat. Also, a unit with this "
    "skill may TAX or PILLAGE." },
  { S_RIDING, 1,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill, if possessing a horse, gains a bonus in combat if the "
    "battle is in a plain, desert, or tundra. This bonus "
    "is equal to the skill level, up to a maximum of 3." },
  { S_RIDING, 3,
    "A unit with Riding 3 or above, "
    "if possessing a winged horse, gains a bonus in combat, "
    "equal to the unit's skill level." },
  { S_CROSSBOW, 1,
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use a crossbow, either in battle, or to TAX "
    "or PILLAGE a region." },
  { S_LONGBOW, 1,
    "A unit with "
    "this skill may use a longbow, either in battle, or to TAX "
    "or PILLAGE a region." },
  { S_STEALTH, 1,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill is concealed from being seen, except by units with an "
    "Observation skill greater than or equal to the stealthy unit's "
    "Stealth level." },
    "A unit with "
    "this skill can see stealthy units whose stealth rating is less "
    "than or equal to the observing unit's Observation level. The "
    "unit can also determine the faction owning a unit, provided its "
    "Observation level is higher than the other unit's Stealth "
    "level." },
  { S_HEALING, 1,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill can use herbs to heal units after a battle has been won." },
  { S_SAILING, 1,
    "A unit with this "
    "skill may use the SAIL order to sail ships." },
  { S_FORCE, 1,
    "The Force skill is not directly useful to a mage, but is rather "
    "one of the Foundation skills on which other magical skills are "
    "based. The Force skill determines the power of the magical energy "
    "that a mage is able to use. Note that a Force skill level of 0 "
    "does not indicate that a mage cannot use magical energy, but rather "
    "can only perform magical acts that do not require great amounts of "
    "power." },
  { S_PATTERN, 1,
    "The Pattern skill is not directly useful to a mage, but is rather "
    "one of the Foundation skills on which other magical skills are "
    "based. A mage's Pattern skill indicates the ability to handle "
    "complex magical patterns, and is important for complicated tasks "
    "such as healing and controlling nature." },
  { S_SPIRIT, 1,
    "The Spirit skill is not directly useful to a mage, but is rather "
    "one of the Foundation skills on which other magical skills are "
    "based. Spirit skill indicates the mage's ability to control and "
    "affect magic and other powers beyond the material world." },
  { S_FIRE, 1,
    "A unit with this magic skill may throw Fireballs in combat, inflicting"
    "Energy attacks on the enemy. The Fireball will inflict from 2 to "
    "the mage's Fire skill times 10 attacks, at a skill level equal to "
    "the mage's Fire skill. In order to use this spell, the mage "
    "should use the COMBAT order to set the spell as his combat spell." },
    "A mage with this skill may create violent Earthquakes in battle. "
    "Earthquakes are dangerous only to those enemies within a building. "
    "An Earthquake will inflict between 2 and the mage's "
    "Earthquake skill level times 100 attacks, at a skill level equal to the "
    "mage's Earthquake skill; these attacks will only be directed against "
    "enemies within a building. Note that the defense bonus that normally "
    "applies to units within a building does not apply during an "
    "Earthquake strike. To use this spell, a mage should set it as his "
    "combat spell using the COMBAT order." },
    "A mage with this skill may cast a Force Shield in combat. "
    "This shield will be effective against all bow attacks against "
    "the mage's army, at a level equal to the mage's skill level. "
    "Also, the mage himself will gain a defensive bonus against "
    "normal combat attacks, equal to his skill. To use this spell in "
    "combat, set it using the COMBAT order." },
    "A mage with this skill may cast an Energy Shield in combat. "
    "This shield will be effective against all Energy attacks against "
    "the mage's army, at a level equal to the mage's skill level. "
    "To use this spell in combat, set it using the COMBAT order." },
    "A mage with this skill may cast a Spirit Shield in combat. "
    "This shield will be effective against all Spirit attacks against "
    "the mage's army, at a level equal to the mage's skill level. "
    "To use this spell in combat, set it using the COMBAT order." },
    "A mage with this skill may heal casualties after battle without "
    "the aid of herbs. Other than not needed herbs, this healing works "
    "the same as normal healing. A mage at this level can heal up to "
    "10 casualties, with a 50 percent rate of success. No order is "
    "necessary to use this spell, it will be used automatically when "
    "the mage is involved in battle." },
    "A mage with Magical Healing of 3 can work greater wonders of healing "
    "with his new found powers; he may heal up to 25 casualties, with "
    "a success rate of 75 percent." },
    "A mage with Magical Healing of 5 can bring soldiers back from "
    "near death; he may heal up to 100 casualties, with a 90 percent "
    "rate of success." },
  { S_GATE_LORE, 1,
    "Gate Lore is the art of detecting and using magical Gates, "
    "which are spread through the world of Atlantis. The Gates "
    "are numbered in order, but spread out randomly, so there "
    "is no correlation between the Gate number and the Gate's "
    "location. A mage with skill "
    "1 in Gate Lore can see a Gate if one exists in the same region "
    "as the mage. This detection is automatic; the Gate will appear "
    "in the region report. A mage with skill 1 in Gate Lore may "
    "also jump through a Gate into another region containing a gate, "
    "selected at random. To use Gate Lore in this manner, use the "
    "syntax CAST Gate_Lore RANDOM UNITS <unit> ... "
    "UNITS is followed by a list of units to follow the mage through "
    "the Gate (the mage always jumps through the Gate). At level 1, "
    "the mage may carry 15 weight units through the Gate (including "
    "the weight of the mage)." },
  { S_GATE_LORE, 2,
    "A mage with Gate Lore skill 2 can detect Gates in adjacent regions. "
    "The mage should use the syntax CAST Gate_Lore DETECT in "
    "order to detect these nearby Gates. Also, at level 2 Gate Lore, "
    "the mage may carry 100 weight units through a Gate when doing "
    "a random jump." },
  { S_GATE_LORE, 3,
    "A mage with Gate Lore skill 3 and higher can step through a Gate "
    "into another region containing a Gate. To use this spell, use the "
    "syntax CAST Gate_Lore GATE <number> UNITS <unit> ... "
    "<number> specifies the Gate that the mage will jump to. "
    "UNITS is followed by a list of units to follow the mage "
    "through the gate (the mage always jumps through the gate). "
    "At level 3, the "
    "mage may carry 15 weight units through the Gate (including "
    "the mage). Also, a level 3 or higher mage doing a random gate "
    "jump may carry 1000 weight units through the Gate." },
  { S_GATE_LORE, 4,
    "A mage with Gate Lore skill 4 may carry 100 weight units through "
    "a Gate." },
  { S_GATE_LORE, 5,
    "A mage with Gate Lore skill 5 may carry 1000 weight units through "
    "a Gate." },
    "A mage with the Portal Lore skill may, with the aid of another mage, "
    "make a temporary Gate between two regions, and send units from one "
    "region to another. In order to do this, both mages (the caster, and "
    "the target mage) must have Portals, and the caster must be "
    "trained in Portal Lore. The caster may teleport units weighing "
    "up to 50 weight units times his skill level, to the target mage's "
    "region, provided the target region is no further than 2 "
    "times the caster's skill level squared regions away. To use this skill, "
    "CAST "
    "Portal_Lore <target> UNITS <unit> ..., where <target> is the "
    "unit number of the target mage, and <unit> is a list of units "
    "to be teleported (the casting mage may teleport himself, if he "
    "so desires." },
  { S_FARSIGHT, 1,
    "A mage with the Farsight skill may obtain region reports on "
    "distant regions. This skill only works on "
    "the surface of Atlantis, but the report will be as if the mage "
    "was in the region himself. The mage may view "
    "regions are within the mage's skill "
    "level squared times 4 regions of the mage's region. "
    "To use this skill, CAST Farsight REGION <x> <y>, where "
    "<x> and <y> are the coordinates of the "
    "region that you wish to view. Note that Farsight does not work "
    "in conjunction with other spells; the mage can only rely on "
    "his normal facilities while casting Farsight." },
    "A mage with Mind Reading skill 1 may cast the spell and determine "
    "the faction affiliation of any unit he can see. To use the spell "
    "in this manner, CAST Mind_Reading <unit>, where <unit> is the "
    "target unit." },
    "A mage with Mind Reading skill 3 will automatically determine the "
    "faction affiliation of any unit he can see. Usage of this skill "
    "is automatic, and no order is needed to use it." },
    "A mage with Mind Reading skill 5 can get a full unit report on "
    "any unit he can see. To use this skill, CAST Mind_Reading <unit> "
    "where <unit> is the target unit." },
    "A mage with the Teleportation skill may teleport himself across "
    "great distances on the surface of Atlantis, even without the "
    "use of a gate. A mage with this skill may teleport 15 weight units "
    "per skill level, to a region that is within "
    "the mage's skill level squared times 2 regions of the mages current "
    "region "
    "(note that Teleportation only works on the surface of Atlantis). The "
    "syntax to use this skill is CAST Teleportation "
    "REGION <x> <y>. <x> "
    "and <y> are the coordinates of the region to teleport to." },
    "Weather Lore is the magic of the weather; the skill Weather Lore "
    "itself has no use, except to allow further study into more powerful "
    "areas of magic. A mage with Weather Lore skill will perceive "
    "the use of Weather Lore by any other mage in the same region." },
    "A mage with knowledge of Summon Wind can summon up the powers of "
    "the wind to aid him in sea or air travel. Usage of this spell is "
    "automatic; at level 1, if the mage is in a Longboat, that ship "
    "will get 2 extra movement points. Also, if the mage is flying, "
    "he will receive 2 extra movement points." },
    "With level 2 Summon Wind, any ship of Clipper size or smaller that "
    "the mage is inside will receive a 2 movement point bonus." },
    "At level 3 of Summon Wind, any ship the mage is in will receive a "
    "2 movement point bonus. Note that study of Summon Wind beyond "
    "level 3 does not yield any further powers." },
    "A mage with Summon Storm can summon a storm against enemy forces, "
    "reducing their combat effectiveness. Each round, the storm will affect"
    "from 2 to the Summon Storm level of the mage times 50, and "
    "will reduce their effective Combat skill by 2 for the "
    "duration of the battle. To use this spell, the mage should set it "
    "as his combat spell using the COMBAT order." },
    "A mage with Summon Tornado can summon a mighty tornado to use "
    "against enemy forces in battle. A tornado issues a number of "
    "Weather attacks from 2 to the mage's Summon Tornado "
    "level times 50, of skill level equal to the mage's level. To use this"
    "spell, use the COMBAT order to set it as the mage's combat "
    "spell." },
    "The Call Lightning spell is a combat spell, allowing the mage to "
    "summon mighty blasts of lightning from the sky against his foes. "
    "A lightning blast deals a number of attacks from 4 to the "
    "mage's skill level times 120, of skill level equal to the mage's level. "
    "This spell is a bit different than most combat spells, in that "
    "half of the attacks are treated as Weather attacks, and the other "
    "half as Energy attacks. To use the spell, use the COMBAT order "
    "to set it as the mage's combat spell." },
    "The Clear Skies spell has two uses. When cast using the CAST order, "
    "it causes the region to have good weather for the entire month; "
    "movement is at the normal rate (even if it is winter, and movement "
    "costs would normally be doubled), and the economic production of "
    "the region is improved for a month (this improvement of the "
    "economy will actually take effect during the turn after "
    "the spell is cast). To use the spell in this fashion, "
    "CAST Clear_Skies; no arguments are necessary. The other use of the "
    "spell is in combat, as a defense against weather attacks. If the "
    "mage sets this spell as his combat spell using the COMBAT order, "
    "it will function as a shield against weather attacks, at a "
    "level equal to the mage's Clear Skies skill." },
  { S_EARTH_LORE, 1,
    "Earth Lore is the study of nature, plants, and animals. A mage with "
    "knowledge of Earth Lore can use his knowledge of nature to aid "
    "local farmers, raising money for himself, and aiding the "
    "production of grain or livestock in the region. To use the spell, "
    "CAST Earth_Lore; the mage will receive an amount of money based on "
    "his level, and the economy of the region. Also, a mage with "
    "knowledge of Earth Lore will detect the use of Earth Lore by "
    "any other mage in the same region." },
  { S_WOLF_LORE, 1,
    "A mage with Wolf Lore skill may summon wolves, who will fight for "
    "him in combat. A mage may summon a number of wolves equal to "
    "his skill level, and control a total number of his "
    "skill level squared times 4 "
    "wolves; the wolves will be placed in the mages inventory. Note, "
    "however, that wolves may only be summoned in mountain and "
    "forest regions. To summon wolves, the mage should issue "
    "the order CAST Wolf_Lore." },
  { S_BIRD_LORE, 1,
    "A mage with Bird Lore may control the birds of Atlantis. "
    "At skill level 1, the mage can control small birds, sending them "
    "to an adjacent region to obtain a report on that region. "
    "(This skill only works on the surface of Atlantis, as there "
    "are no birds elsewhere). To use this skill, "
    "CAST Bird_Lore DIRECTION <dir>, where <dir> is the direction "
    "the mage wishes the birds to report on." },
  { S_BIRD_LORE, 3,
    "A mage with Bird Lore 3 can summon eagles to join him, who "
    "will aid him in combat, and provide for flying transportation. "
    "A mage may summon a number of eagles equal to his skill level "
    "minus 2, squared; the eagles will appear in his inventory. "
    "To summon an eagle, issue the order CAST Bird_Lore EAGLE." },
    "A mage with Dragon Lore skill can summon dragons to join him, "
    "to aid in battle, and provide flying transportation. "
    "A mage at level 1 has a low chance of successfully summoning "
    "a dragon, "
    "gradually increasing until at level 5 he may summon one dragon "
    "per turn; the total number of dragons that a mage may control "
    "at one time is equal to his skill level. To attempt to summon "
    "a dragon, CAST Dragon_Lore." },
    "Necromancy is the magic of death; a mage versed in Necromancy may "
    "raise and control the dead, and turn the powers of death to his "
    "own nefarious purposes. The Necromancy skill does not have any "
    "direct application, but is required to study the more powerful "
    "Necromatic skills. A mage with knowledge of Necromancy will "
    "detect the use of Necromancy by any other mage in the same region." },
    "A mage with the Summon Skeletons skill may summon skeletons into "
    "his inventory, to aid him in battle. Skeletons may be given to "
    "other units, as they follow instructions mindlessly; however, they "
    "have a 10 percent chance of decaying each turn. A mage can summon "
    "skeletons at an average rate of 40 percent times his level "
    "squared. To use the spell, use the order CAST Summon_Skeletons, "
    "and the mage will summon as many skeletons as he is able." },
    "A mage with the Raise Undead skill may summon undead into "
    "his inventory, to aid him in battle. Undead may be given to other "
    "units, as they follow instructions mindlessly; however, they "
    "have a 10 percent chance of decaying each turn. A mage can summon "
    "undead at an average rate of 10 percent times his level "
    "squared. To use the spell, use the order CAST Raise_Undead "
    "and the mage will summon as many undead as he is able." },
    "A mage with the Summon Lich skill may summon a lich into his "
    "inventory, to aid him in battle. Liches may be given to other "
    "units, as they follow instructions mindlessly; however, they "
    "have a 10 percent chance of decaying each turn. A mage has a "
    "2 percent chance times his level squared chance of summoning "
    "a lich; to summon a lich, use the order CAST Summon_Lich." },
    "Create Aura of Fear is a combat spell; a mage who casts it will "
    "project an aura of fear on his enemies, reducing their combat "
    "effectiveness by 2. A mage with this skill can strike fear into "
    "the hearts of 2 to his skill level times 20 men; note that this "
    "spell does not affect any type of creature. To use this spell, the "
    "mage should set it as his combat spell; the attacks are Spirit "
    "attacks, and may be blocked by a Spirit shield." },
    "This spell allows the mage to summon the black wind, a supernatural "
    "wind that destroys life. A mage who casts this spell in combat will "
    "deal from 2 to his skill level times 200 Spirit attacks, at a level "
    "equal to the mage's skill level. However, the black wind has no "
    "effect on undead or demons. To use this spell, the mage should "
    "set it using the COMBAT order." },
    "A mage with the Banish Undead skill can banish undead in combat. "
    "The mage will deal from 2 to his skill level times 50 attacks on "
    "undead, with no defense against these attacks. To use this "
    "spell, the mage should set it using the COMBAT order." },
  { S_DEMON_LORE, 1,
    "Demon Lore is the art of summoning and controlling demons. The "
    "Demon Lore skill does not give the mage any direct skills, but is "
    "required to study further into the Demonic arts. A mage with "
    "knowledge of Demon Lore will detect the use of Demon Lore by any "
    "other mage in the same region." },
    "A mage with the Summon Imps skill may summon imps into his "
    "inventory, to aid him in combat. A mage may summon one imp "
    "per skill level; however, the imps have a chance of breaking "
    "free of the mage's control at the end of each turn. This chance "
    "is based on the number of imps in the mage's control; if the "
    "mage has his skill level squared times 4 imps, the chance is "
    "5 percent; this chance goes up or down quickly if the mage "
    "controls more or fewer imps. To use this spell, the mage should "
    "issue the order CAST Summon_Imps, and the mage will summon as "
    "many imps as he is able." },
    "A mage with the Summon Demon skill may summon demons into his "
    "inventory, to aid him in combat. A mage may summon one demon "
    "each turn; however, the demons have a chance of breaking "
    "free of the mage's control at the end of each turn. This chance "
    "is based on the number of demons in the mage's control; if the "
    "mage has a number of demons equal to his skill level squared, "
    "the chance is "
    "5 percent; this chance goes up or down quickly if the mage "
    "controls more or fewer demons. To use this spell, the mage should "
    "issue the order CAST Summon_Demon." },
    "A mage with the Summon Balrog skill may summon a balrog into his "
    "inventory, to aid him in combat. A mage has a 20 percent times his "
    "skill level chance of summoning a balrog, but may only control "
    "one balrog at a time. A with other demons, the balrog has a chance "
    "of breaking "
    "free of the mage's control at the end of each turn. This chance "
    "is equal to 1 over 4 times the mage's skill level squared (or, "
    "from 1 over 4 at level 1, to 1 over 100 at level 5). "
    "To use this spell, the mage should "
    "issue the order CAST Summon_Balrog." },
    "A mage with the Banish Demons skill can banish demons in combat. "
    "The mage will deal from 2 to his skill level times 50 attacks on "
    "demons, with no defense against these attacks. To use this "
    "spell, the mage should set it using the COMBAT order." },
  { S_ILLUSION, 1,
    "Illusion is the magic of creating images of things that do "
    "not actually exist. The Illusion skill does not have any direct "
    "applications, but is required for further study of Illusionary "
    "magic. A mage with knowledge of the Illusion skill will detect "
    "the use of Illusion by any other mage in the same region." },
    "A mage with the Phantasmal Entertainment skill may use his "
    "powers of Illusion to earn money by creating illusionary fireworks, "
    "puppet shows, etc. In effect, Phantasmal Entertainment grants "
    "the mage Entertainment skill equal to five times his Phantasmal "
    "Entertainment level. To use this skill, use the ENTERTAIN order." },
    "A mage with Create Phantasmal Beasts may summon illusionary beasts "
    "that appear in the mage's inventory. These beasts will fight in "
    "combat, but do not attack, and are killed whenever they are attacked."
    "Create Phantasmal Beasts at level 1 allows the mage to summon "
    "illusionary wolves; the number the mage can summon, or have in "
    "his inventory at one time is equal to the mage's skill "
    "squared times 4. To use this spell, the mage should CAST Create_"
    "Phantasmal_Beasts WOLF <number>, where <number> is the "
    "number of wolves that the mage wishes to have appear in his "
    "inventory. Note: illusionary beasts will appear on reports as "
    "if they were normal items, except on the owner's report, where "
    "they are marked as illusionary. To reference these items in "
    "orders, you must prepend an 'i' to the normal string. (Example: "
    "to reference an illusionary wolf, you would use 'iwolf')." },
    "Create Phantasmal Beasts at level 3 allows the mage to summon "
    "illusionary eagles into his inventory. To summon illusionary "
    "eagles, the mage should CAST Create_Phantasmal_Beasts EAGLE "
    "<number>, where <number> is the number of eagles that the mage "
    "wishes to have appear in his inventory. The number of eagles "
    "that a mage may have in his inventory is equal to his skill "
    "level, minus 2, squared." },
    "Create Phantasmal Beasts at level 5 allows the mage to summon "
    "an illusionary dragon into his inventory. To summon an illusionary "
    "dragon, the mage should CAST Create_Phantasmal_Beasts DRAGON; the mage"
    "can only have one illusionary dragon in his inventory at one time." },
    "A mage with Create Phantasmal Undead may summon illusionary undead "
    "that appear in the mage's inventory. These undead will fight in "
    "combat, but do not attack, and are killed whenever they are attacked."
    "Create Phantasmal Undead at level 1 allows the mage to summon "
    "illusionary skeletons; the number the mage can summon, or have in "
    "his inventory at one time is equal to the mage's skill "
    "squared times 4. To use this spell, the mage should CAST Create_"
    "Phantasmal_Undead SKELETON <number>, where <number> is the "
    "number of skeletons that the mage wishes to have appear in his "
    "inventory. Note: illusionary undead will appear on reports as "
    "if they were normal items, except on the owner's report, where "
    "they are marked as illusionary. To reference these items in "
    "orders, you must prepend an 'i' to the normal string. (Example: "
    "to reference an illusionary skeleton, you would use 'iskeleton')." },
    "Create Phantasmal Undead at level 3 allows the mage to summon "
    "illusionary undead into his inventory. To summon illusionary "
    "undead, the mage should CAST Create_Phantasmal_Undead UNDEAD "
    "<number>, where <number> is the number of undead that the mage "
    "wishes to have appear in his inventory. The number of undead "
    "that a mage may have in his inventory is equal to his skill "
    "level, minus 2, squared." },
    "Create Phantasmal Undead at level 5 allows the mage to summon "
    "an illusionary lich into his inventory. To summon an illusionary "
    "lich, the mage should CAST Create_Phantasmal_Undead LICH; the mage "
    "can only have one illusionary lich in his inventory at one time." },
    "A mage with Create Phantasmal Demons may summon illusionary demons "
    "that appear in the mage's inventory. These demons will fight in "
    "combat, but do not attack, and are killed whenever they are attacked."
    "Create Phantasmal Demons at level 1 allows the mage to summon "
    "illusionary imps; the number the mage can summon, or have in "
    "his inventory at one time is equal to the mage's skill "
    "squared times 4. To use this spell, the mage should CAST Create_"
    "Phantasmal_Demons IMP <number>, where <number> is the "
    "number of imps that the mage wishes to have appear in his "
    "inventory. Note: illusionary demons will appear on reports as "
    "if they were normal items, except on the owner's report, where "
    "they are marked as illusionary. To reference these items in "
    "orders, you must prepend an 'i' to the normal string. (Example: "
    "to reference an illusionary demon, you would use 'idemon')." },
    "Create Phantasmal Demons at level 3 allows the mage to summon "
    "illusionary demons into his inventory. To summon illusionary "
    "demons, the mage should CAST Create_Phantasmal_Demons DEMON "
    "<number>, where <number> is the number of demons that the mage "
    "wishes to have appear in his inventory. The number of demons "
    "that a mage may have in his inventory is equal to his skill "
    "level, minus 2, squared." },
    "Create Phantasmal Undead at level 5 allows the mage to summon "
    "an illusionary balrog into his inventory. To summon an illusionary "
    "balrog, the mage should CAST Create_Phantasmal_Undead BALROG; the mage"
    "can only have one illusionary balrog in his inventory at one time." },
    "The Invisibility skill allows a mage to render other units nearly "
    "invisible to other factions, giving them a +3 bonus to Stealth. "
    "This invisibility will last until the next Magic round. To cast "
    "this spell, use the order CAST Invisibility UNITS <unit> "
    "..., where <unit> is a list of the units "
    "that the mage wishes to render invisible. A mage may render "
    "invisible a number of men or creatures equal to his skill level "
    "squared." },
    "A mage with the True Seeing spell can see illusions for what "
    "they really are. Whether or not the mage can see through the "
    "illusion depends on his True Seeing skill being higher that the "
    "Illusion skill of the mage casting the illusion. This spell "
    "does not require any order to use; it is used automatically."
    "In addition, a mage with the True Seeing skill receives a bonus "
    "to his Observation skill equal to his True Seeing skill divided "
    "by 2, rounded up." },
    "A mage with the Dispel Illusions spell can dispel illusionary "
    "foes in combat. Dispelling an illusionary foe always destroys "
    "the foe; there is no defense against it. To use this spell, "
    "the mage should set it as his combat spell; Dispel Illusions "
    "will dispel between 2 and the mage's level times 100 illusions." },
    "Artifact Lore is one of the most advanced forms of magic; in "
    "general, creation of an artifact requires both Artifact Lore, "
    "and the appropriate skill for the item being created. "
    "A mage with knowledge of the Artifact Lore skill will detect "
    "the use of Artifact Lore by any other mage in the region." },
    "A mage with the Create Ring of Invisibility skill may create "
    "a Ring of Invisibility, which grants a +3 bonus to a unit's "
    "effective Stealth (note that a unit must possess one ring for each "
    "man to gain this bonus). A Ring of Invisibility has one limitation; "
    "a unit possessing a ring cannot assassinate, nor steal from, a unit "
    "with an amulet of true seeing. A mage has a 20 percent times his "
    "level chance to create a Ring of Invisibility. To use this "
    "spell, the mage should CAST Create_Ring_of_Invisibility; "
    "it costs 600 silver to make the attempt to create a ring." },
    "A mage with the Create Cloak of Invulnerability skill may create "
    "a Cloak of Invulnerability. A Cloak of Invulernerability grants "
    "the wearer a 99 percent chance of surviving any attack. A mage "
    "has a 20 percent times his level chance to create a Cloak of "
    "Invulnerability. To use this spell, the mage should CAST "
    "Create_Cloak_of_Invulnerability; it costs 800 silver to attempt "
    "to create a cloak." },
    "A mage with the Create Staff of Fire skill may create a Staff "
    "of Fire. A Staff of Fire allows any mage to throw fireballs in "
    "combat as if he had a Fire skill of 3. A mage has a 20 percent "
    "times his level chance to create a Staff of Fire; the attempt "
    "costs 600 silver. To use this spell, CAST Create_Staff_of_Fire." },
    "A mage with the Create Staff of Lightning skill may create a "
    "Staff of Lightning. A Staff of Lightning allows any mage to "
    "call down lightning bolts as if he had Call Lightning skill "
    "of 3. A mage has a 20 percent chance times his level chance to "
    "create a Staff of Lightning; the attempt costs 1000 silver. To "
    "use this spell, CAST Create_Staff_of_Lightning." },
    "A mage with the Create Amulet of Tree Seeing skill may create "
    "an Amulet of True Seeing. This amulet gives the possessor a "
    "bonus of 2 to his effective Observation skill. Also, a unit with "
    "an Amulet of True Seeing cannot be assassinated by, nor have items "
    "stolen by, a unit with a Ring of Invisibility (Note that the unit "
    "must have at least one Amulet of True Seeing per man to repel a unit "
    "with a Ring of Invisibility). A mage has "
    "a 20 percent chance times his skill level chance to create "
    "an Amulet of True Seeing; the attempt costs 600 silver. To "
    "use this spell, CAST Create_Amulet_of_True_Seeing." },
    "A mage with the Create Amulet of Protection skill may create "
    "Amulets of Protection, which grants the possesor a personal "
    "Spirit Shield of 3. A mage may create one times his skill level "
    "of these amulets per turn. To use this spell, CAST "
    "Create_Amulet_of_Protection; this spell costs 200 silver to "
    "cast." },
    "A mage with the Create Runesword skill may create a Runesword, "
    "which when wielded in combat gives the wielder a plus 4 "
    "bonus to Combat skill, and also allows the wielder to project "
    "an Aura of Fear in battle, as if he had Create Aura of Fear "
    "skill of level 3 (provided the wielder is not casting "
    "an other combat spells). A mage has a 20 percent times his skill "
    "level chance of creating a Runesword; the attempt costs 800 "
    "silver. To cast this spell, CAST Create_Runesword." },
    "A mage with the Create Shieldstone skill may create Shieldstones, "
    "which confers upon the possessor a personal Energy Shield of 3. "
    "A mage may create one times his skill level Shieldstones per turn. "
    "To use this spell, CAST Create_Shieldstone; this spell costs "
    "200 silver to cast." },
    "A mage with the Create Magic Carpet skill may create Magic "
    "Carpets, which provide for flying transportation. A Magic "
    "Carpet can carry up to 15 weight units in the air. Casting "
    "this spell costs 400 silver, and allows the mage to create "
    "one times his skill level Magic Carpets; to cast the spell, "
    "CAST Create_Magic_Carpet." },
    "A mage with the Engrave Runes of Warding may engrave runes of "
    "warding on a building; these runes will give any occupants of "
    "the building a personal Energy Shield and Spirit Shield, both "
    "at level 3. At level 1, the mage may engrave runes on a Tower, "
    "and has a 20 percent chance of succeeding with each attempt to "
    "cast this spell. To use this spell, the mage should CAST "
    "Engrave_Runes_of_Warding, and be within the building he wishes "
    "to engrave runes upon; also, this spell costs 600 silver to "
    "cast." },
    "At level 2, the mage may engrave runes of warding on a Fort, "
    "and has a 40 percent chance of success each time he casts this "
    "spell." },
    "At level 3, the mage may engrave runes of warding on a Castle, "
    "and has a 60 percent chance of success each time he casts this "
    "spell." },
    "At level 4, the mage may engrave runes of warding on a Citadel, "
    "and has a 80 percent chance of success each time he casts this "
    "spell." },
    "At level 5, the mage may engrave runes of warding on a Magical "
    "Fortress, which grants the inhabitants and Energy Shield and "
    "Spirit Shield at level 5; also the mage "
    "has a 100 percent chance of success each time he casts this "
    "spell." },
    "A mage with the Construct Gate skill may construct a Gate in a "
    "region. The mage has a 20 percent times his skill level chance "
    "of success, and the attempt costs 1000 silver. To use this spell, "
    "the mage should issue the order CAST Construct_Gate." },
    "A mage with the Enchant Swords skill may enchant normal swords "
    "into mithril swords, which give a +4 bonus to Combat skill when "
    "used in combat. A mage may enchant 5 times his skill level swords "
    "per turn; the swords should be in the mage's inventory for him "
    "to enchant them. The mage should issue the order CAST Enchant_Swords "
    "to cast this spell." },
    "A mage with the Enchant Armor skill may enchant normal plate "
    "armor into mithril armor, which give the wearer a 90 percent "
    "chance of surviving a normal attack, and a 2/3 chance of surviving "
    "a crossbow attack. A mage may enchant 5 times his skill level "
    "plate armors per turn; the armor should be in the mage's inventory "
    "for him to enchant them. The mage should issue the order "
    "CAST Enchant_Armor to cast this spell." },
    "A mage with the Construct Portal skill may construct a Portal, "
    "for use with the Portal Lore skill. The mage has a 20 percent "
    "times his skill level chance of creating a Portal, and the "
    "attempt costs 600 silver. To use this spell, CAST "
    "Construct_Portal." },
  { -1, -1, ""}

Article by Dark Moon (68):

  Мое повествование обращено, главным образом, к ньюбисам (newbie,
новичок). Я не смогу рассказать Вам о всех возможных ошибках, так как их
число почти бесконечно, но расскажу о тех, которые сделал сам, чтобы их
не сделали вы. Ведь я тоже ньюбис.

                    Расселу Уоллесу, Джеву Данберу, Алексею Яковлеву,
                    руководству и сотрудникам компании МТУ-Информ,
                    а также всем любителям PBEM-игр в мире посвящается.

Хроники клана Темной Луны.
Пергамент четвертый.

Я прикрепил к стене лавки кусок пергамента с объявлением:
  "Требуются наемники для славных дел, лидеры и простолюдины. Обращаться
в таверну. Спросить Повелителя 68-го клана.
Удовлетворенный своей работой, я отправился искать еду и кров.

- Я от капрала городской стражи - отрекомендовался я хозяину таверны.
- А, еще один голодранец - пробурчал тот в ответ. Деньги-то есть?
- Unclaimed money.
- Это мне все равно, я и unclaimed, если что, вытрясу.
- Насколько я понимаю, постой входит в стоимость еды и выпивки?
- За все двадцать монет.
- А дешевле нельзя?
- За десять монет еда и место в общей зале. Но никакой отдельной комнаты
  и никакого пива. Из вас, лидеров, на эти условия никто не пойдет.
  Только обычные юниты.
- Ясное дело, как же без пива?!
- Хочешь сэкономить, найми кого-нибудь, пусть еду производит.
- Странная экономия, - пробурчал я в ответ. Произведет он, значит, к
  примеру, корову, да и сожрет ее за месяц. Ну, сэкономит 10 монет, А
  если его на Work послать, то прожрет 10, а заработает 17 монет.
Wages: $17 (Max: $95744).
- И учить его не надо - экономия времени и денег, - добавил я.
- Ты Повелитель, тебе виднее.
- Вот если бы я нанял 5632 человека, то в месяц я имел бы 95744 silvers,
  - размечтался я.
- Минус деньги на еду, и монет уже всего 39424, - вернул меня на землю
  тавернщик. Пренеприятный тип.
- К тому же надо сразу внести за найм 382976$. У вас завалялось
  четыреста тысяч?
Тавернщик неплохо считал.
- Нет, но у меня есть пять с лишним тысяч, и еще далеко идущие планы,
  со временем...
- Не обольщайтесь, славный герой. Уже второй год. Уверяю вас, вокруг
  стартовых городов провинции уже наверняка захвачены. Вам нужно строить
  планы так, чтоб вас не вынесли на ближайших же гексах.
Тавернщик начинал действовать мне на нервы.
Я огляделся вокруг. В общем зале стоял гул голосов.
Входили и выходили люди, местные жители и последователи других фракций.
Неподалеку от нас расположились, потягивая пиво, несколько стражников.
"Лидеров видно сразу" - подумал я. Они с интересом следили за развитием
нашей беседы, держа мечи наготове.
- Разумеется, я уже думал об этом, - соврал я. - Я разошлю соглядатаев,
  соберу слухи, узнаю об окружающих провинциях...
- Думаю, вам потребуются лошади, ведь они увеличивают Movement вдвое. А
  для этого надо нанять толпу народа, обучить их тренировке лошадей,
  кормить в течение учебы. Сколько там у вас сейчас денег, ЦЕЛЫХ пять
  тысяч? Ха. Ха-ха. Не умрите с голода, бесплатно кормить я не стану.
У меня уже чесались руки объяснить, как следует говорить с благородными
господами. Но вспомнив о страже, я сдержался.
- Я удаляюсь в свою комнату. Ко мне придут наниматься LEADers и
  PLAIsmens. Соблаговолите им передать, что я принимаю лишь до вечера.
- Соблаговолю. Уверен, это будут такие же оборванцы, как ты, - буркнул
  тавернщик, отворачиваясь.
"Однажды я найду способ поквитаться с тобой, не втягивая стражу" - думал
я, поднимаясь по лестнице в свою комнату.
После полудня стали подтягиваться наемники. И старался выбирать лучшее,
но выбирать было не из кого.
Так как я не был лишен доли артистизма, себе я заказал Skill
Entertainment. Двум нанятым мною лидерам приказал, вызвав в памяти текст
ПРАВИЛ, учить:
- выращиванию и объезжанию лошадей (Training),
- разведению крупного рогатого скота (Ranching).
Products: 52 livestock [LIVE], 29 horses [HORS].
В последний момент сообразил, что что-то не так, и вернул первого.
Думаю, что тренировка лошадей все же HORSe training. Как же быть?
Придется рискнуть. Study HORS.
Отсчитал семьдесят человек, и приказал им идти работать. Угрохал все
деньги, но в конце месяца workers принесут прибыль.
Сосредоточившись, представил:
;#atlantis 68 "my_password"
;*** plain (63,37) in Praestbygd, contains Inverie [city] ***
unit 640
;Unit (640), revealing faction, leader [LEAD]. Skills: none.
form 1
claim 5100
buy 70 SELF
form 2
claim 136
buy 1 LEAD
form 3
claim 136
buy 1 lead

claim 10
study entertainment

unit new 1

unit new 2
claim 10
study ranching

unit new 3
claim 10
study hors


Затем отправился спать.
;Этот приказ содержит ошибки:
;Не верно названы жители провинции - надо PLAI а не SELF
;Следовало писать, не используя строки вида Unit new 2.
form 2
claim 136
claim 10
buy 1 LEAD
study ranching
;Мой лидер Master еще взвоет через месяц,
;когда выяснятся ошибки! Внимательно читайте Turn checker Output,
;который присылает Server в ответ на ваши приказы!

На этом прерывается мое повествование о подвигах и славе, о
взаимовыручке и коварных интригах, о победах и поражениях, в общем, о
мире Atlantis.
To be continued...
  Владимир Л. aka Master of Dark Moon (68)