************************************************************** Article by Strange Rover (58): Прощай, оружие! На протяжении последних лет Сарабская империя, печально прославившаяся неспровоцированной агрессией и приобретшая этим немало противников, терпела поражения на всех фронтах. Недавно наши доблестные войска подступили к ее последнему оплоту. Не дожидаясь решающей битвы и отказавшись от борьбы, Vos (13) и правитель клана 10 покинули этот мир. Их фракции расформированы. От имени Альянса сопротивления заявляю об окончании Сарабской войны. От своего имени выражаю признательность всем правителям, своими усилиями приблизившим этот момент. Вот для истории хроника битвы, решившей исход великого противостояния. Четыре правителя объединились в ней, чтобы дать отпор нашествию: Fabler (92), IgelMeister (117), Sotteins (59) и ваш покорный слуга, также управляющий кланом Tchebs (38): Unit (4361) attacks Royal Archers (8087) in plain (4,16) in Arbroath! Attackers: Unit (4361), behind, leader [LEAD], horse [HORS], spear [SPEA], light armor [LARM], combat 5, riding 1. Unit (1117), behind, leader [LEAD], winged horse [WING], combat 1. Unit (4427), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 11 horses [HORS], tactics 5, combat 1. Unit (1100), behind, 2 leaders [LEAD], longbow [LBOW], 2 horses [HORS], longbow 5. Unit (1957), 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 mithril swords [MSWO], 10 mithril armor [MARM], 10 winged horses [WING], runesword [RUNE], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (4121), 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 mithril swords [MSWO], 10 mithril armor [MARM], 10 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (1915), 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 mithril swords [MSWO], 10 mithril armor [MARM], 10 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (558), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 11 horses [HORS], tactics 5, combat 3. Unit (4489), behind, 200 tribal elves [TELF], 177 horses [HORS], 200 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (1853), behind, 20 leaders [LEAD], 20 horses [HORS], 20 longbows [LBOW], longbow 5. Unit (1676), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 horses [HORS], 10 longbows [LBOW], longbow 4. Unit (353), 100 leaders [LEAD], horse [HORS], 100 mithril armor [MARM], 100 mithril swords [MSWO], 100 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (4657), behind, leader [LEAD], spear [SPEA], winged horse [WING], combat 5, riding 1. Unit (4645), behind, light armor [LARM], leader [LEAD], spear [SPEA], mithril armor [MARM], winged horse [WING], combat 5, riding 1. Unit (4450), behind, 200 plainsmen [PLAI], 200 horses [HORS], 200 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 2. Unit (576), behind, 200 plainsmen [PLAI], 200 horses [HORS], 200 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 2. Unit (1025), behind, 200 horses [HORS], 200 plainsmen [PLAI], 200 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 2. Unit (1757), behind, 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 horses [HORS], 50 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (1798), behind, 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 horses [HORS], 50 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Archers 1 (1456), behind, 100 tribal elves [TELF], 100 horses [HORS], 100 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (1972), 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 mithril swords [MSWO], 50 mithril armor [MARM], 50 horses [HORS], combat 5, riding 3. Unit (2381), 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 mithril swords [MSWO], 10 mithril armor [MARM], 10 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (1995), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 mithril swords [MSWO], 100 mithril armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (1031), 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 mithril swords [MSWO], 10 mithril armor [MARM], 10 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (802), 100 orcs [ORC], 100 horses [HORS], 100 chain armor [CARM], 100 battle axes [BAXE], combat 4. Unit (4354), 100 orcs [ORC], 100 horses [HORS], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 100 chain armor [CARM], combat 4. Unit (708), 100 orcs [ORC], 100 horses [HORS], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 100 chain armor [CARM], combat 4. Unit (2142), 100 orcs [ORC], 87 horses [HORS], 4 spears [SPEA], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 60 round shield [ROSH], 40 chain armor [CARM], combat 4. Unit (2257), behind, 30 sea elves [SELF], 23 horses [HORS], 30 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (463), 100 orcs [ORC], 100 horses [HORS], 4 mithril swords [MSWO], 78 plate armor [PARM], 5 mithril armor [MARM], 100 battle axes [BAXE], combat 4. Unit (3986), behind, 90 nomads [NOMA], 81 horses [HORS], 90 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (224), behind, 140 tribal elves [TELF], 140 horses [HORS], 140 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (2493), 66 orcs [ORC], 50 horses [HORS], 5 plate armor [PARM], 66 mithril swords [MSWO], 61 mithril armor [MARM], combat 4. Unit (142), behind, 140 tribal elves [TELF], 142 horses [HORS], 140 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (722), behind, 200 tribal elves [TELF], 200 horses [HORS], 200 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (1392), behind, 90 nomads [NOMA], 57 horses [HORS], 90 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 2. Unit (230), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 87 horses [HORS], 100 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (4428), behind, 50 horses [HORS], 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (4486), behind, 50 horses [HORS], 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (1076), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 horses [HORS], 100 mithril swords [MSWO], 100 mithril armor [MARM], combat 5, riding 3. Unit (2745), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 horses [HORS], 10 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (686), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 96 horses [HORS], 100 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (1903), behind, 200 tribal elves [TELF], 200 horses [HORS], 200 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (6872), behind, 200 tribal elves [TELF], 135 horses [HORS], 200 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (1033), behind, 200 tribal elves [TELF], 146 horses [HORS], 200 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Unit (989), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 89 horses [HORS], 100 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (4320), behind, 8 leaders [LEAD], 8 horses [HORS], 8 battle axes [BAXE], 8 chain armor [CARM], combat 5. Unit (2916), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 70 horses [HORS], 100 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Dark Knight (3578), 60 leaders [LEAD], 60 mithril armor [MARM], 61 mithril swords [MSWO], 60 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (3533), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 mithril swords [MSWO], 100 mithril armor [MARM], 100 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (2842), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 6 horses [HORS], tactics 5. Dark Knight (2577), 149 leaders [LEAD], 167 horses [HORS], 149 mithril armor [MARM], 149 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 5, riding 3. Defenders: Seer (3902), behind, leader [LEAD], longbow [LBOW], light armor [LARM], 24 winged horses [WING], longbow 2, riding 5. Wranglers (2315), behind, 10 high elves [HELF], 23 horses [HORS]. Spanish Archers (6440), behind, 100 wood elves [WELF], 100 horses [HORS], 100 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Strollers (4995), behind, 2 leaders [LEAD], 2 winged horses [WING], 2 round shield [ROSH], tactics 5, combat 4, riding 5. Crusaders (4993), 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 winged horses [WING], 10 mithril swords [MSWO], 10 mithril armor [MARM], combat 5, riding 5. Crusaders (8089), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 horses [HORS], 100 spears [SPEA], 100 light armor [LARM], combat 4. Crusaders (2861), behind, 250 spears [SPEA], 250 leaders [LEAD], 250 horses [HORS], 250 plate armor [PARM], combat 5, riding 3. Reanimators (6555), behind, 40 horses [HORS], 40 leaders [LEAD], 40 battle axes [BAXE], 40 plate armor [PARM], combat 5, riding 3. Crusaders (4918), behind, 200 leaders [LEAD], 200 horses [HORS], 200 spears [SPEA], 200 light armor [LARM], combat 5, riding 3. Stroller (6458), behind, leader [LEAD], winged horse [WING], cloak of invulnerability [CLOA], tactics 5, combat 5, riding 4. Royal Archers (7346), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 100 horses [HORS], 100 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Spanish Archers (6866), behind, 100 sea elves [SELF], 100 horses [HORS], 100 longbows [LBOW], longbow 3. Destroyers (4581), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 horses [HORS], 8 longbows [LBOW], 2 double bows [DBOW], longbow 5, riding 3. Stroller (7070), behind, leader [LEAD], winged horse [WING], round shield [ROSH], combat 5, riding 5. Crusaders (1859), 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 mithril armor [MARM], 50 winged horses [WING], 50 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 5, riding 5. Crusaders (4916), 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 winged horses [WING], 50 mithril armor [MARM], 50 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 5, riding 4. Gipsy (2047), behind, high elf [HELF], horse [HORS], combat 2. Traveller (6285), behind, leader [LEAD], light armor [LARM], horse [HORS], sword [SWOR], tactics 5, combat 5, riding 3. Crusaders (4672), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 horses [HORS], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 100 plate armor [PARM], combat 5, riding 4. Destroyers (4991), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 horses [HORS], 10 double bows [DBOW], longbow 5, riding 3. Stroller (4535), leader [LEAD], 2 winged horses [WING], mithril sword [MSWO], mithril armor [MARM], combat 5, riding 5. Strollers (7966), behind, 2 leaders [LEAD], 2 mithril swords [MSWO], 2 winged horses [WING], 2 round shield [ROSH], combat 5, riding 3. Crusaders (6753), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 spears [SPEA], 100 horses [HORS], 80 light armor [LARM], 20 round shield [ROSH], combat 5, riding 3. Destroyers (4619), behind, 10 leaders [LEAD], 10 horses [HORS], 10 double bows [DBOW], longbow 5, riding 3. Crusaders (7066), behind, 60 leaders [LEAD], 60 horses [HORS], 60 spears [SPEA], 60 chain armor [CARM], combat 5, riding 3. Destroyers (4811), behind, 20 leaders [LEAD], 20 longbows [LBOW], 20 horses [HORS], longbow 5, riding 3. Crusaders (6538), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 winged horses [WING], 100 mithril armor [MARM], 100 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 5, riding 5. Royal Archers (7929), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 100 crossbows [XBOW], 100 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Crusaders (7011), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 100 horses [HORS], 100 light armor [LARM], combat 5, riding 3. Crusaders (1858), 95 leaders [LEAD], 95 winged horses [WING], 95 spears [SPEA], 95 mithril armor [MARM], combat 5, riding 5. Destroyers (8558), behind, 40 longbows [LBOW], 40 leaders [LEAD], 40 horses [HORS], longbow 1. Guerrilla (8559), behind, 20 spears [SPEA], 608 high elves [HELF], combat 1. Crusaders (3030), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD]. Guerrilla (3259), behind, 609 high elves [HELF]. Crusaders (7967), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 100 horses [HORS], 100 light armor [LARM], combat 4. Royal Archers (8087), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 100 crossbows [XBOW], 100 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Fabler's archers (4254), behind, 40 wood elves [WELF], 40 longbows [LBOW], 40 horses [HORS], longbow 3. Liberator (6634), behind, leader [LEAD], 2 winged horses [WING], mithril sword [MSWO], light armor [LARM], staff of fire [STAF], shieldstone [SHST], cloak of invulnerability [CLOA]. Police (3282), 80 leaders [LEAD], 80 battle axes [BAXE], 3 longbows [LBOW], 80 horses [HORS], 30 plate armor [PARM], 51 mithril armor [MARM], 10 round shield [ROSH], 2 spears [SPEA], shieldstone [SHST], 59 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 5, riding 3. Merenan (2332), behind, leader [LEAD], winged horse [WING], light armor [LARM], shieldstone [SHST], staff of fire [STAF], 10 mithril armor [MARM], combat 3. Cervis (1893), behind, leader [LEAD], winged horse [WING], light armor [LARM], mithril armor [MARM], 15 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 3. Maidon (3222), behind, leader [LEAD], winged horse [WING], light armor [LARM], shieldstone [SHST], mithril armor [MARM], combat 3. Ernant (1458), behind, leader [LEAD], light armor [LARM], winged horse [WING], 10 plate armor [PARM], dragon [DRAG] (Combat 6, Hits 50), staff of fire [STAF], combat 3. Arthus (2392), behind, leader [LEAD], light armor [LARM], winged horse [WING], mithril armor [MARM], 15 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 3. Felenaran (1894), behind, leader [LEAD], winged horse [WING], light armor [LARM], shieldstone [SHST], mithril armor [MARM], 15 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 3. Quarz von Igel (3535), behind, leader [LEAD], 11 mithril armor [MARM], mithril sword [MSWO], light armor [LARM], ring of invisibility [RING], shieldstone [SHST], winged horse [WING], staff of fire [STAF], 10 plate armor [PARM], tactics 1, combat 1; Nachforschunger. Leitenant (729), behind, leader [LEAD], eagle [EAGL] (Combat 2, Hits 1), 2 dragons [DRAG] (Combat 6, Hits 50), 4 winged horses [WING], light armor [LARM], spear [SPEA], shieldstone [SHST], cloak of invulnerability [CLOA], combat 1. General (721), behind, leader [LEAD], spear [SPEA], winged horse [WING], light armor [LARM], shieldstone [SHST], cloak of invulnerability [CLOA], combat 5. Crusaders (7190), 100 horses [HORS], 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 100 mithril armor [MARM], combat 5, riding 5. Crusaders (6288), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 horses [HORS], 100 mithril swords [MSWO], 100 mithril armor [MARM], combat 5, riding 4. Crusaders (2541), 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 horses [HORS], 50 spears [SPEA], 50 mithril armor [MARM], combat 5, riding 3. Fermer (1511), behind, 20 high elves [HELF]. Royal Archers (4605), behind, 60 nomads [NOMA], 60 horses [HORS], 60 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Guerrilla (8555), behind, 137 nomads [NOMA], combat 1. Crusaders (6632), behind, 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 horses [HORS], 100 spears [SPEA], 100 chain armor [CARM], combat 5, riding 5. Igel Archers (7108), behind, 100 under dwarves [UDWA], 100 crossbows [XBOW], 100 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Guerrilla (8557), behind, 86 plainsmen [PLAI], combat 1. Royal Archers (7131), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 100 crossbows [XBOW], 100 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Royal Archers (6891), behind, 90 under dwarves [UDWA], 90 crossbows [XBOW], 92 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Royal Archers (7147), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 100 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 2. Guerrilla (8560), behind, 108 nomads [NOMA], combat 1. Crusaders (4534), 20 leaders [LEAD], 20 mithril armor [MARM], 20 mithril swords [MSWO], 20 winged horses [WING], combat 5, riding 3. Royal Archers (2913), behind, 60 crossbows [XBOW], 60 nomads [NOMA], 60 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Guerrilla (8556), behind, 120 sea elves [SELF], combat 1. Fabler's archers (8324), behind, 100 nomads [NOMA], 100 horses [HORS], 100 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 2. Round 1: General (721) casts Force Shield. Felenaran (1894) casts Energy Shield. Cervis (1893) casts Force Shield. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 13. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 14. Merenan (2332) shoots a Fireball, killing 8. Arthus (2392) summons a wild tornado, killing 65. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 10. Maidon (3222) shoots a Fireball, killing 11. Quarz von Igel (3535) shoots a Fireball, killing 8. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 7. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 19. Liberator (6634) shoots a Fireball, killing 14. Unit (4361) loses 484. Royal Archers (8087) loses 298. Round 2: Cervis (1893) casts Force Shield. General (721) casts Force Shield. Felenaran (1894) casts Energy Shield. Liberator (6634) shoots a Fireball, killing 9. Merenan (2332) shoots a Fireball, killing 2. Quarz von Igel (3535) shoots a Fireball, killing 8. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 1. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 10. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 27. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 3. Maidon (3222) shoots a Fireball, killing 6. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 11. Arthus (2392) summons a wild tornado, killing 29. Unit (4361) loses 188. Royal Archers (8087) loses 53. Round 3: Cervis (1893) casts Force Shield. General (721) casts Force Shield. Felenaran (1894) casts Energy Shield. Merenan (2332) shoots a Fireball, killing 8. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 18. Maidon (3222) shoots a Fireball, killing 3. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 2. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 12. Quarz von Igel (3535) shoots a Fireball, killing 3. Arthus (2392) summons a wild tornado, killing 35. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 10. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 7. Liberator (6634) shoots a Fireball, killing 2. Unit (4361) loses 315. Royal Archers (8087) loses 235. Round 4: General (721) casts Force Shield. Cervis (1893) casts Force Shield. Felenaran (1894) casts Energy Shield. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 8. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 9. Merenan (2332) shoots a Fireball, killing 5. Liberator (6634) shoots a Fireball, killing 6. Maidon (3222) shoots a Fireball, killing 9. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 9. Quarz von Igel (3535) shoots a Fireball, killing 8. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 6. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 11. Arthus (2392) summons a wild tornado, killing 19. Unit (4361) loses 123. Royal Archers (8087) loses 52. Round 5: Felenaran (1894) casts Energy Shield. General (721) casts Force Shield. Cervis (1893) casts Force Shield. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 16. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 6. Liberator (6634) shoots a Fireball, killing 6. Quarz von Igel (3535) shoots a Fireball, killing 6. Arthus (2392) summons a wild tornado, killing 64. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 9. Merenan (2332) shoots a Fireball, killing 5. Maidon (3222) shoots a Fireball, killing 9. Unit (4361) loses 524. Royal Archers (8087) loses 833. Round 6: Felenaran (1894) casts Energy Shield. Cervis (1893) casts Force Shield. General (721) casts Force Shield. Liberator (6634) shoots a Fireball, killing 11. Merenan (2332) shoots a Fireball, killing 11. Maidon (3222) shoots a Fireball, killing 4. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 14. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 9. Arthus (2392) summons a wild tornado, killing 32. Quarz von Igel (3535) shoots a Fireball, killing 20. Unit (4361) loses 1044. Royal Archers (8087) loses 302. Unit (4361) is routed! Royal Archers (8087) gets a free round of attacks. General (721) casts Force Shield. Cervis (1893) casts Force Shield. Felenaran (1894) casts Energy Shield. Arthus (2392) summons a wild tornado, killing 119. Maidon (3222) shoots a Fireball, killing 18. Quarz von Igel (3535) shoots a Fireball, killing 15. Leitenant (729) shoots a Fireball, killing 12. Liberator (6634) shoots a Fireball, killing 9. Merenan (2332) shoots a Fireball, killing 8. Ernant (1458) shoots a Fireball, killing 21. Unit (4361) loses 1394. Total Casualties: Unit (4361) loses 4072. Damaged units: 1903, 686, 1456, 4489, 6872, 4450, 3986, 1033, 722, 989, 230, 1798, 576, 2257, 1392, 4486, 2916, 142, 224, 4427, 558, 1025, 4428, 1853, 2842, 4645, 1757, 1676, 4320, 2745, 4657, 1100, 1117, 1076, 1995, 3533, 2577, 4121, 353, 1972, 1031, 2493, 1957, 3578, 708, 2381, 463, 2142, 4354, 802, 1915. Liberator (6634) heals 8. Leitenant (729) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 8. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4991) heals 15. Reanimators (6555) heals 7. Destroyers (4811) heals 8. Reanimators (6555) heals 8. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4811) heals 9. Destroyers (4811) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 7. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Destroyers (4991) heals 13. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4581) heals 9. Destroyers (4581) heals 10. Destroyers (4581) heals 10. Destroyers (4581) heals 10. Destroyers (4811) heals 8. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4619) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4811) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4619) heals 7. Destroyers (4619) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4581) heals 8. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4619) heals 7. Reanimators (6555) heals 8. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Destroyers (4991) heals 5. Reanimators (6555) heals 8. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 3. Reanimators (6555) heals 6. Destroyers (4811) heals 9. Destroyers (4991) heals 13. Reanimators (6555) heals 10. Reanimators (6555) heals 9. Destroyers (4619) heals 10. Destroyers (4581) heals 9. Royal Archers (8087) loses 1268. Damaged units: 8557, 2913, 3259, 7011, 8087, 2861, 6440, 8089, 8559, 3030, 7147, 7929, 4918, 7131, 6891, 7346, 7108, 4672, 8324, 8555, 8556, 8560, 7066, 4254, 6632, 6753, 6866, 7967, 4605, 4619, 4811, 4991, 6555, 4581, 8558, 4995, 1511, 1859, 729, 7190, 3282, 4534, 6288, 1858, 2541, 4916, 6538, 4993, 2315, 4535. Spoils: 207 winged horses [WING], 1704 horses [HORS], 994 herbs [HERB], 705 longbows [LBOW], 390 mithril swords [MSWO], 388 mithril armor [MARM], 227461 silver [SILV], light armor [LARM], 4 magic carpets [CARP], 674 crossbows [XBOW], 254 battle axes [BAXE], 173 chain armor [CARM], 2 spears [SPEA], 30 round shield [ROSH], 42 plate armor [PARM]. Оставляем будущим поколениям слагать легенды о славной победе.. Как правитель, я не в силах больше предложить своим подданным достойной работы и потому отпускаю. Силе не подобает пребывать в бездействии. Не станем пополнять и без того многочисленные ряды живых трупов. Наши земли ждут новых повелителей, а Атлантис ждет новых героев! StR