************************************************************** Article by Loony Mages (121): Всеатлантические новости. Поздравляем вас, многоуважаемые читатели, с воистину благим свершением, учиненным: малой рукопашной армией (400), крохотной кучкой арбалетчиков (102), и парой осветителей (121) - эти, не побоюсь этого слова, герои спасли огромную толпень существ (21) от медленной голодной смерти! Вот репортаж с места событий: MagicNinja (16) attacks Unit (1226) in plain (0,20) in Arbroath! Attackers: DeathDisciple (22), behind, leader [LEAD], ring of invisibility [RING], winged horse [WING], light armor [LARM], staff of lightning [STAL], shieldstone [SHST]. MagicNinja (16), behind, leader [LEAD], ring of invisibility [RING], winged horse [WING], light armor [LARM], staff of lightning [STAL], shieldstone [SHST]. Unit (2167), leader [LEAD], ring of invisibility [RING], 2 winged horses [WING], mithril sword [MSWO], crossbow [XBOW], tactics 5, combat 5, crossbow 5, riding 5. 4th Viking Army (7576), 900 vikings [VIKI], 230 horses [HORS], 43 light armor [LARM], combat 3. Unit (4829), behind, 50 nomads [NOMA], 50 crossbows [XBOW], 50 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Unit (4034), behind, 50 nomads [NOMA], 100 horses [HORS], 50 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (1751), 50 horses [HORS], 50 orcs [ORC], 50 spears [SPEA], 50 chain armor [CARM], combat 4. Unit (6783), 492 horses [HORS], 50 orcs [ORC], 125 spears [SPEA], combat 4. Unit (1294), 50 horses [HORS], 50 orcs [ORC], 100 spears [SPEA], combat 4. Unit (4936), 100 vikings [VIKI], 100 spears [SPEA], combat 3. Unit (5434), 50 vikings [VIKI], 50 spears [SPEA], combat 3. Unit (5169), behind, 50 nomads [NOMA], 50 crossbows [XBOW], 50 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Unit (329), 292 horses [HORS], 150 orcs [ORC], 150 spears [SPEA], combat 4. Unit (1040), 95 vikings [VIKI], 148 spears [SPEA], 43 swords [SWOR], combat 3. Unit (4952), behind, 200 nomads [NOMA], 342 crossbows [XBOW], 20 spears [SPEA], 90 light armor [LARM], 200 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Unit (4950), 200 vikings [VIKI], 200 horses [HORS], 200 spears [SPEA], 200 light armor [LARM], combat 3. Unit (488), behind, 90 nomads [NOMA], 90 crossbows [XBOW], 90 horses [HORS], crossbow 3. Unit (2533), behind, 5 nomads [NOMA], 5 horses [HORS], 70 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (3539), 200 vikings [VIKI], 200 spears [SPEA], combat 3. Elita (3375), 90 leaders [LEAD], 90 mithril armor [MARM], 90 winged horses [WING], 90 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 5, riding 5. Elita (2385), 50 mithril swords [MSWO], 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 winged horses [WING], 50 mithril armor [MARM], combat 5, riding 5. NemeZis (8051), behind, 40 leaders [LEAD], 40 double bows [DBOW], 35 winged horses [WING], 30 mithril armor [MARM], longbow 5, riding 5. Unit (611), 25 sea elves [SELF], combat 2. Unit (295), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 spears [SPEA], 100 chain armor [CARM], 100 horses [HORS], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (917), plainsman [PLAI]. Unit (5199), 97 vikings [VIKI], 144 spears [SPEA], 130 chain armor [CARM], 77 longbows [LBOW], combat 3. Unit (2926), 61 vikings [VIKI], 50 horses [HORS], combat 3. Unit (2210), leader [LEAD], combat 5, riding 5. Unit (2534), behind, 30 nomads [NOMA], 30 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Defenders: Unit (4513), behind, 10 plainsmen [PLAI], 3 nomads [NOMA], 1795 horses [HORS]. Unit (124), behind, 8 leaders [LEAD], combat 4. Unit (2125), behind, 50 leaders [LEAD], 50 crossbows [XBOW], 50 light armor [LARM], crossbow 5. Hird (906), 148 hill dwarves [HDWA], 291 plate armor [PARM], 131 battle axes [BAXE], combat 3. Unit (1548), behind, 100 hill dwarves [HDWA], 100 spears [SPEA], combat 3. Hird (986), 100 hill dwarves [HDWA], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 100 plate armor [PARM], combat 3. Unit (2478), behind, 9 leaders [LEAD], 48 winged horses [WING], combat 1, crossbow 5. Unit (3055), behind, 100 hill dwarves [HDWA], 100 spears [SPEA], combat 3. Unit (1367), 100 leaders [LEAD], 100 mithril swords [MSWO], 100 mithril armor [MARM], 100 horses [HORS], combat 5, riding 5. Hird (4708), 100 hill dwarves [HDWA], 100 battle axes [BAXE], 100 plate armor [PARM], combat 3. Unit (769), behind, hill dwarf [HDWA], combat 3. Unit (816), behind, 6 hill dwarves [HDWA], 4 longbows [LBOW], 45 swords [SWOR], 54 light armor [LARM], 9 winged horses [WING], 10 mithril armor [MARM], 547 spears [SPEA], combat 3. Unit (607), behind, hill dwarf [HDWA], combat 3. Unit (6504), behind, 5 leaders [LEAD], combat 1, crossbow 5. Unit (1226), behind, 380 nomads [NOMA], 400 crossbows [XBOW], crossbow 3. Unit (1990), behind, 8 nomads [NOMA]. Hird (316), 262 orcs [ORC], 289 mithril armor [MARM], 114 spears [SPEA], 164 mithril swords [MSWO], combat 4. Unit (2599), behind, 29 nomads [NOMA]. Unit (4003), behind, 8 nomads [NOMA]. Hird (798), 200 hill dwarves [HDWA], 200 battle axes [BAXE], 200 plate armor [PARM], combat 3. Unit (1406), behind, 15 plainsmen [PLAI]. Unit (475), 200 hill dwarves [HDWA], 200 battle axes [BAXE], 200 plate armor [PARM], combat 3. MagicNinja (16) gets a free round of attacks. DeathDisciple (22) unleashes a mighty lightning strike, killing 119. MagicNinja (16) unleashes a mighty lightning strike, killing 125. Unit (1226) loses 637. Round 1: DeathDisciple (22) unleashes a mighty lightning strike, killing 91. MagicNinja (16) unleashes a mighty lightning strike, killing 84. MagicNinja (16) loses 284. Unit (1226) loses 305. Unit (1226) is routed! MagicNinja (16) gets a free round of attacks. MagicNinja (16) unleashes a mighty lightning strike, killing 58. DeathDisciple (22) unleashes a mighty lightning strike, killing 171. Unit (1226) loses 901. Total Casualties: Unit (1226) loses 1843. Damaged units: 816, 2125, 1226, 1406, 1548, 2478, 3055, 2599, 1990, 124, 4003, 4513, 607, 6504, 769, 316, 1367, 4708, 475, 906, 798, 986. [кто-то кого-то долго лечит] MagicNinja (16) loses 39. Loony (59,121,400)